Focus On: Harvest Moon

It’s Oldies But Goodies time again and for the next 48 hours, you can save 50% on the Harvest Moon collection!

You know that transitory time where it’s still hot as heck outside but you are SO READY for fall? Harvest Moon celebrates that in-between season with gorgeously rich colors that transition seamlessly between summer and fall and tons of word art and accents that can work for either or both!


Suzanne created not one, but TWO gorgeous pages with the Harvest Moon collection and the background she made for this page using the “love” stamp in the digital kit is just so good!

I love how both her pages look so different from each other!


Sugarbabe Esther brings allll the butterfly love with this gorgeous collage she made using the butterfly from the digital kit (blown up and edited) and the various leaves on the right half - STUNNING!


Sugarbabe Jaye made a gorgeous pocket page full of fall foliage!


And Tara, our resident mini album queen, made this AMAZING circular album that folds out into magic!