Focus On: Wildflower

Of all the collections I’ve designed in my career, I can definitively say that the Wildflower collection is the one that most definitively defines….me. I made it for myself and as a challenge to not incorporate pink anywhere, yet still create something that can be used for all my girly girls, tomboys, and well, anyone that could use a little self-pep talk!

Wildflower captures the essence of what it’s like to both feel different than others and EMBRACE that difference as something you love about yourself. To bloom and thrive and flourish in the ways that only you can!

The team has rounded up some AMAZING new inspiration using these older collections that prove that just because a collection isn’t new this year, doesn’t mean you can’t incorporate into your albums!


I love Caroline’s emphasis on the gorgeous blues in this collection, omitting the greens and yellows almost entirely for this soothing 12x12 layout!


Stacy wrote a sweet note to her mama who seems to have fit the essence of the Wildflower collection perfectly. I love all her beautiful cluster work along the edge, combining the illustrated flowers with the realistic ones!

Vanessa T

Vanessa lifted for a more simple, smaller layout in her notebook and it’s such a perfectly teeny layout!


Melinda went all-in with the Wildflower collection and created a stunning two-page project life spread, which is made easy with my collections because of all the journal cards and patterned cards I provide! Her layering here is stunning!


Love, love, love this beautiful layout from Kaye and all the repetition she created not only with the hearts in the collection, but also the patterned paper she created with the word strips! Genius!

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