DIY Collage, ATC or Journal Cards with Stacy B!

We’ve all seen them in social media - they come in all shapes and sizes , you can search them and get amazed at all the media and mixed media people use - to the point you can think - oh my it’s overwhelming! It’s kinda expensive!

Well let me tell you - with Traci Reed digital kits you can show mix media and enjoy collage cards / ATC trading cards or amazing project life cards for your albums all with a simple digital kit!

I decided I wanted to focus on some birthday cards for my granddaughter birthday to use for her party pics… and by using the journal cards and ephemera from the Happy Day kit, I was able to use so many different little bits and baubles - add in a few pieces of ribbon , a couple staples and a corner rounder and boom simply printed on card stock I have finished collage cards!

Now to print a few photos and add some journaling and my pages will quickly come together!

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